Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Fast Times at CCSU

By Collin
Mmm, I remember the first time that I went down to the basement of my building to do laundry. Everyone seemed to be standing around like zombies trying to figure out how to do their laundry. Well, SOMEONE'S parents didn't teach them a valuable life skill.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Look at These Poor Dollar Bills

SS: I found these laying on the sidewalk the other day. I have no idea who did this. It is a crime to deface US currency, so shame on whoever did. But they are funny, right?

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Return of the Collin

by Collin
Yeah! This is actually the first time that I have posted images to SharpierImages. What do you think about that? Well, I figured out how to use the computer lab scanners, so there's NO STOPPING ME NOW!!!
In other news, please return frequently here to check out the new images! And tell your friends! And your relatives! And your grandchildren! And your custodians!
Okay, I haven't had a meal in a solid day, so please excuse me for leaving in a hurry.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Ground Control to Major Earth

Well, after what some may call "hiatus", and what others would call "a long period of remarkable laziness", the brothers of SharpierImages have returned. And all is well in SharpieLand?
Heck noes.
Brother Collin's scanner's busted.
So for the time being, the whole posting thing is mildly impossible.
"...for the time being..." means that I'm still trying to find another scanner on campus that I can use. Eh.
But DON'T TOUCH THAT DIAL! Despite that fact that, as usual, Sean is pulling his weight, the Second Golden Age of SharpierImages is closer than Glenn Beck is to insanity!