Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Fast Times at CCSU

By Collin
Mmm, I remember the first time that I went down to the basement of my building to do laundry. Everyone seemed to be standing around like zombies trying to figure out how to do their laundry. Well, SOMEONE'S parents didn't teach them a valuable life skill.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Look at These Poor Dollar Bills

SS: I found these laying on the sidewalk the other day. I have no idea who did this. It is a crime to deface US currency, so shame on whoever did. But they are funny, right?

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Return of the Collin

by Collin
Yeah! This is actually the first time that I have posted images to SharpierImages. What do you think about that? Well, I figured out how to use the computer lab scanners, so there's NO STOPPING ME NOW!!!
In other news, please return frequently here to check out the new images! And tell your friends! And your relatives! And your grandchildren! And your custodians!
Okay, I haven't had a meal in a solid day, so please excuse me for leaving in a hurry.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Ground Control to Major Earth

Well, after what some may call "hiatus", and what others would call "a long period of remarkable laziness", the brothers of SharpierImages have returned. And all is well in SharpieLand?
Heck noes.
Brother Collin's scanner's busted.
So for the time being, the whole posting thing is mildly impossible.
"...for the time being..." means that I'm still trying to find another scanner on campus that I can use. Eh.
But DON'T TOUCH THAT DIAL! Despite that fact that, as usual, Sean is pulling his weight, the Second Golden Age of SharpierImages is closer than Glenn Beck is to insanity!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Things I Did Other Than Listening in Modern Drama

SS: While I should have paid attention to the significance of apartheid in Athol Fugard's Blood Knot, I drew this for you instead. I think I may use Techno-Death in a later strip.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Bang the Drums of Magic!

by Collin

SS: Ah yes, our faithful friend Das Boom Boom. They have an African Drumming Club here at my school. So yes, here, Das Boom Boom, the Magical Africa Drum that is making me late for class.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Can Someone Interpret My Dream?

SS: Yes, I am playing poker with a Blue Man and The Scream. And the Blue Man has a spatula for a hand and The Scream is bargaining with a waffle. And my hand is an UNO Wild Card, $100 in Monopoly Money, and a packet of Kool-Aid.

P.S. Happy Talk Like A Pirate Day!

A Nice New, Friendly Start

SS: Doesn't everyone deserve a second chance? I'd like to think so, even if I did serve 6 months in a Mexican prison on pinata abuse-related charges. Here's a remnant of unfinished business from our cereal themed week (remember those?) that didn't quite fit in at the time. Yet here is is, completed and ready for consumption.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

A Spark Fires Across the Neurons...Images Come Flashing Back...

Hello Clarice.
I've been away for awhile. They've kept me away from you. So did time. Oh how I've missed you. I hear them yelling at night, arguing. They don't know what I've been doing. I've been doing this. I made this strip for you. Do you like it? I'll make you more, if you like...

Tuesday, June 16, 2009


Dear peoples of Sharpierland,
Sean and I haven't posted in a while, and we apologize. It's the end of the school year for us (in B4 under-aged B&), and we have had finals and such taking up our time.

HOWEVER the good news is that the summer is mere days away, and Sean and I are planning on spending 3 hours every Monday, Thursday and Sunday working on new comics!

Okay, so we haven't gotten a schedule that ambitious, but we are planning on continuing this through the summer and beyond!
Good luck to all of our anonymous friends and visitors who are graduating this month!
Love, Tom Q Vaxy.

Sunday, May 31, 2009


SS: Even Apple's Ninja Assassins are white and shiny. I was conflicted drawing this, as I have Microsoft and a Zune, but got an Ipod Touch and am getting a Macbook. I don't know who should win this battle. I better keep the iTouch and Zune away from each other, lest they battle and I end up with nothing.

Friday, May 29, 2009


by Collin

SS: It is a little known fact that Richard Nixon actually had energy-based superpowers and was forced to resign after slaughtering 13 federal agents outside the Watergate hotel after he was caught spending the night with the Chinese Ambassador. Afterwards, Gerald Ford concocted a malarky story about break-ins and cover-ups and created the Frost-Bot 5000 to distract the American public from the real story.

Thursday, May 28, 2009


SS: It's quite tough to capture the evil aura of the Mouth of Sauron in Sharpies. It really defies artwork. So does the Gate of Mordor. Or Aragorn. Maybe I shouldn't draw Lord of the Rings anymore.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009


by Collin

SS: We're kicking off a mini-theme week here with the inside (soon to be outside) joke of DON'T CHALLENGE THE GATE! You see, at the Yale Peabody Museum of Natural History, there is an unforgiving and intimidating parking gate, which one should never challenge, lest they fall to its wrath. Yet this lesson applies to life, as we should all learn to not challenge the gate, lest we be challenged by it.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Very Superstitious, Mr. Ebony-at-the-Piano

by Collin

SS: Uh-oh. We've run out of comics to post for the next few days, so unless we draw some today, there won't be a new post tomorrow. Stay Tuned for more on this breaking story.

Sunday, May 24, 2009


SS: Whoops. Sorry about that. Yesterday got a bit too hectic to post anything. But here we are, at the conclusion of Webcomic Parody Week. We hope you enjoyed it. Stick around for the next theme week coming up in a while, and be sure to leave any feedback or guest comics here or on our Facebook page.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

WEBCOMIC PARODY WEEK: DAY 4: Toothpaste for Dinner!

by Collin

SS: Ah, webcomic parodies. It's been good. HOWEVER, we still have ONE MORE COMIC to post in this series. HOWEVER, it will not be posted until SATURDAY as I will be away until then. SO, grab a comfy pillow and some snacks, grab a bottle of Jack and some Tylenol, because you had BETTER stay on the edge of your seat until said time. ENJOY.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009


by Collin

SS: This one's a joke concocted by Mr. Tom Q Vaxy himself from the webcomic Ctrl+Alt+Delete. Enjoy.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009


SS: It's actually tough to figure out how to draw two different styles of stick figure. xkcd is a great webcomic though, and I suggest you check it out (unless you're too stupid, and in that case don't even bother).

Monday, May 18, 2009


SS: One of my most favorite webcomics out there. Quirky, bizarre, politically incorrect, but absolutely hilarious. Plus Ray is one of the most badass motherf***ers around.

Check it out here:

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

All is fair in love and AP tests.

Collin G here, AKA Daddy Long Legs. SS has been busy battling the Swine Flu and taking AP tests, and I've...uh...been...busy...so, we haven't posted anything in a while. But, uh, we are going to have a new theme week starting next Monday, so all you patient little fans will be able to return to your bad habit in less than a week!
We are still admitting guest comics for the near future theme week. Anyone can enter, and a panel of 26 assorted artists and interpretive dancers will judge your work. You can email your comic to SS or myself, just look on our profiles. Or, our Facebook friends can post your comic on the boards on Facebook.
Have a lovely Hump Day, and remember, stay Sharp!

Wow, that's really corny. But I might keep that tag line...

Monday, May 4, 2009

The Downside of Ritual Sacrifice

SS: It's a problem that all Mayan priests face: depression. Where does depression hurt? Everywhere. Especially when you're driving a ceremonial obsidian blade into a bejeweled sacrificial virgin.

Friday, May 1, 2009


SS: Not much to say about this. It's self-explanatory. No news. It's good.

Thursday, April 30, 2009

The Super Science Pets...of Science! vs. Tesla's Mad Robot Army!

SS: Someday I will make a comic as exciting as the title. But for now, I had better put this up while Hawking is still alive. Hang in there guy, we're all hoping the best for you.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Long-Lost Relic of Laziness

SS: Just up ahead we have a recently uncovered artifact from the Cereal Mascots Theme Week era. Scientists have confirmed that the comic was fossilized by a combination of time and the maker's own laziness. However, it has now been unearthed for your enjoyment.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

You will never be the Green Arrow...

SS: It's true. Just a reminder: If you want to draw a guest strip for an upcoming theme week, message Collin or I to set it up. THNX.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Descent into Madness

SS: I recently spent about 31 hours in a car over the course of 5 days. I chronicled my slow, torturous descent into madness by making a Sharpie drawing of it. THIS IS MADNESS!

Friday, April 24, 2009

A New Day Dawns...

by Collin

SS: I feel I should come clean about something. We here at Sharpier Images did not spend our spring breaks in various states in the US, biding our time and making new comics. No, we spent it fighting a bloody coup in Chile that ultimately made us rulers of a South American super-country made of Chile, Peru, and French Suriname. This portrait was made to show our triumphant stand above the bodies of our enemies. WE <3 CHILE!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

The Young Pharmacist Realized Too Late...

by Collin

SS:Uh-oh. The final old comic left in the archives! Hopefully my scanner will work by tomorrow, and some BRAND-NEW comics will be up. Hang in there.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Take the Calico to remain in this reality. Take the Tabby to go further down the rabbit hole.

SS: Here's a MINITHEME WEEK! Two days of: PETS AS MEDICINE! Due to a malfunctioning scanner, "new" comics may not be posted until later this week. But hold tight. You shall have your day.

Monday, April 20, 2009

They're Baaack...

SS: Yes, after a lengthy and unproductive hiatus, we have returned in FULL FORCE! So get ready, because we're comin at you with everything we got, including THIS comic (which has been seen by half of you already) but for the global community: ENJOY.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Special Vacation Special

by Collin and Sean
SS: SURPRISE! As I am home for a few hours in between legs of my journey, I thought I would post a few random comics to satiate the hungry feral masses that claw at the gates. Collin remains away, as I will be in a matter of minutes, so enjoy these in our continued absence.
P.S. The next theme week has been decided and it will be: OTHER WEBCOMICS! We have a few parodies of fellow webcomics, but if you have a specific one you would like parodied, lampooned, or made fun of, POST IT.
Also, we will be having a GUEST STRIP WEEK within the next few weeks. If you are interested in being featured that week send your submissions in (address to be determined) for review. (They don't need to be in Sharpie, but it would be appreciated and in keeping with Sharpier Images tradition.) So send them in! I DEMAND IT.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

News Downdate: Stand By for Vital Information

SS: Here's the latest news from Sharpier Images HQ:
  1. We have recently aquired a 25-pack of Sharpies, so expect new colors and jokes based off of those colors. It's exciting. And for $15.99 at Target, it's a great save! (Money please)
  2. HIIIAAAATUUUUUSSSS!! For this week, Sharpier Images is going to CANCUN! And by Cancun, I mean North Carolina/Maine/New York/Pennsylvania. Collin's down in North Carolina for the week, while I will be taking a grand tour of the upper Northeast/Mideast region on a college road trip. When we return, however, there'll be a slew of all new comics for your viewing pleasure.

So that's all for now kids, and until next time: Mr. Wizard rules!

Happy Easter!

SS: Happy Easter, every one! I know posting has been...sporadic as of late, but we'll (I'll) catch up at some point. So, in celebration of this holiday, here's a design I made to show the colors of spring, or a design you can put on a postage stamp and cover with LSD. Have a trippy Easter!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

They Charge By The Leaf

SS: Inspired by Mastodon's "Colony of Birchmen", I was left wondering: Where are the birchwomen? Turns out, they're all hookers. They'll shake your branches and strip your bark off. They're that skanky.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

The LOLrus: The Beginning

SS: This is it: The comic that started it all. The inspiration for "The Lolrus" came to me in a vision during Calculus, when I zoned out due to me not knowing how to do whatever it was we were supposed to be doing. As soon as 5th period arrived though, the genius emerged. And what started as a flash of LULZ quickly and violently escalated into an all-out mindsplosion that left traces of inspiration and potent gamma rays in the atmosphere. So here it is, the grand-daddy of Sharpier Images, the LOLrus, in all its Sharpie glory.

P.S. There's still an extra comic from cereal week last week that I forgot to post on Saturday/Sunday/Monday. Hang in there. It's coming...

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Yes,Yes, I know...

SS: BACK IT UP! I know I haven't posted a new comic this weekend. I've been busy (lazy). There's still another Cereal Week comic in the folder, so I'll upload it tonight (tomorrow). Then we'll be posting some random comics for a while until another Theme Week can be decided upon (thought of/drawn). Until then, stay classy.

P.S. I see that we have some views from Europe now. Greetings! You are welcome members of the global Sharpier Images media empire. Tell your friends!

Friday, April 3, 2009

Monster Mash

by Sean & Collin
SS: YES! The Monster cereals are here. I personally enjoy the Booberry/Ghostbusters reference. And yes, Frankenberry actually did turn peoples' crap pink when it was first released.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

What Doesn't Kill You Makes You STRANGER!

TAGTEAMEDA by Collin & Sean

SS: Yes, yes, we have returned, unharmed and stranger than ever. I would have posted this yesterday, but I didn't risk turning my computer on. So I was going to post an explanation about how I shot Collin and we'd never post again and then say April Fools!, but again, the dreaded Conficker worm loomed over my head like Underdog. So today we bring you the tagteam efforts of both myself and Collin, embodied here. Enjoy.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009


Due to the imminent threat to computers worldwide (except only in the United States and not for Linux and Mac users), the future of Sharpier Images tomorrow lies in uncertain waters. Indeed, these waters are full of worm-y sharks and virus fish, so if the HMS My Computer springs a leak, we will certainly drown/be horribly ripped apart by the techno seabeasts. However, we'll man the lifeboats as best we can, and hopefully a BRAND SPANKIN NEW, DOUBLE SIZED comic will be posted tomorrow morning. Til then, we can only sit and wait and whittle mini pirate ships out of bars of soap while the storm passes.

The Dreadnought Sean

Cereal Week Continues! Today: Captain Crunch has Flashbacks!

SS: My most favoritest drawing/writing combo EVAR SO FAR. And kudos to Collin for writing such a splendid bio below.